Jumat, 30 April 2010

Hasan Sadikin Hospital

Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) is a hospital located in Bandung, precisely in the way Pasteur 38 Bandung number 40 161. This hospital is one of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the form service company. Previously the hospital was named RS Rancabadak. These names are still used by the people of Bandung and its logo still visible in the form of pictures rhino having a bath in the ranch (swamp in Sundanese). This hospital is now led by a major director Prof. Cissy Rachiana Sudjana Prawira-Kartasasmita, Sp.A. (K), Ph.D. 
Hasan Sadikin Hospital, built during the Dutch colonial rule since 1920 but only officially opened on October 15, 1923. Was known then is Algemeene Bandoengche Het Ziekenhuis, and later amended in 1927 becomes a town Ziekenhuis Juliana. That time the new hospital capacity 300 beds.
In the Japanese colonial era, this hospital changed its function into the Japanese Military Hospital with a Rigukun Byoin until independence in 1945. Although Indonesia has been independent at that time, RS was still dominated by the Netherlands, and till the year 1948 the function to the Netherlands Military Hospital. New in 1948, RS Rancabadak again used for public or belonged to Indonesia under the auspices Township Bandung. When the boss is still the Dutch, W.J. Van Thiel who served until 1949. After that, new people, led by Indonesia, namely dr. H.R. Paryono Suriodipuro, as the first director of Indonesia. 
In 1954, health ministers set a Hospital Provincial Hospital has become the status directly under the Ministry of Health. In 1956 established a Central General Hospital with 600 bed capacity of the patient. 
Name Hasan Sadikin, which came into use in 1967, comes from one of his former directors, namely Dr. Hasan Sadikin. When he was appointed a director, the health minister at that time asked him to rename the hospital lead. But the request did not get fulfilled because of the relatively young age he died on July 16, 1967 due to illness. To commemorate his services as a dedicated doctor who has participated and played an important role in the struggle for independence, the government on October 8, 1967 set a new name as the name of this hospital. So from then until now, the name of this hospital became Dr. Hasan Sadikin, abbreviated RSHS. Now at the age of 86, RSHS status has become a general hospital center (department) and has a stately building that was similar to the international standard hospitals abroad, and has become a regional referral hospital in West Java. This hospital is also the hospital where the practice for medical students at Padjadjaran University and several schools of nursing.

Fatmawati Hospital

Fatmawati Hospital was originally named Soekarno Mother Hospital, located in the Village of West Cilandak, Cilandak District, the South Jakarta District, Province Special District Capital of Jakarta. Mother Hospital Sukarno built over an area of 44 hectares of land, originally planned to become a Lung Disease Sanatorium for children because it was its location outside Jakarta that fresh air.
Sukarno's Hospital was built by a foundation called "Yayasan Soekarno mother" who at the time of establishment headed by Mr Raden Pandji Soeroso, and built by PT Ujung Kulon by the Director Primarily Mr Soehanda.
Hospital building initially consisted of Mrs. Sukarno main building, hall, kitchen, sink nurses dormitory consisting of three flats, each flat consists of 20 housing units and one building for Teacher Education BKIA Midwife managed by the Department of Health. Until the year 1959 still has not changed the condition of the building, there are still many vacant land that has not been utilized.
Mother Hospital Soekarno Starting Steps
At the end of the year 1958 the Hospital was handed over to the Government in this regard the Ministry of Health of Indonesia which at that time occupied by Mr Prof. Dr. Satrio.
Health Minister Prof. Dr. Satrio bring several army personnel from the Army Institute (LAKAD) under the leadership of Col. Dr. Soejoto, who occupy housing units on the flat part III to maintain security at the hospital complex, then the forces of BKIAA Health Separtemen occupying a portion of the housing units in a flat II, and personnel from the General Hospital Center and the family of Army Hospital which occupies one flat unit II. For staff nurse's son and daughter came from Bandung, led by Zr. Suprapti and Mr. Suardi. As the responsible director of Soekarno Mother Hospital is Mr Col. Dr. Soejoto (deceased). In addition, nutrition experts brought in relatives of A. Soeparman, Assistant Pharmacist Siahaan Wesley brothers, and sister M. X-ray expert Tarigan.
After the walk came Hospital began its medical staff from Surabaya, Tangerang, West Java and Solo. physiotherapy department is led Mother Wiroreno. In the operational personnel assisted the Hospital Administration from the RSCM, namely M. Soemarsono (late) and Zaenudin (late) with the Head of Administration Mr Major Soeharlan and AK Affandi as his deputy.
Mother Hospital Soekarno Started task
In early 1959, brought in some patients from start Army Hospital and from the RSCM. Patients were most patients with bone, because Mr Colonel Dr. Soejoto is an orthopedic surgeon. Some time later came Dr. Thayib from Yogyakarta and Dr Salim. Soenarno (late) who just came to study medicine in Germany. Hospital commenced its duties by addressing orthopedic surgery-so that Sukarno's Hospital Mother's Hospital known as MDs.
At the same time, from the American hospital ship named "HOPE" (Helath Opportunity for People Everywhere), which was anchored at the Tanjung Priok do-orthopedic surgery. Having completed his mission Hospital Ship "HOPE" was given all the goods from the ship to the Soekarno Mother Hospital, especially medical equipment and supplies, such as medication, patient clothing, blankets, tools instruments, medical books. Then the issue in the news that Mother Hospital Soekarno-rich modern medicines and vitamins are powerful. One among the drugs that originated from the Hospital ship "HOPE" that America is a capsule of "Gevral".
Several doctors later came from the U.S. orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lecoq and Dr. Jennings and two American nurses who were the pretty ones. They can work very well with Indonesian forces. At that time electricity saliran not yet entered into Soekarno Mother's Hospital, so the Diesel is used frequently damaged.
Apart from the American doctors had come also the doctors, namely Dr. R. Soehasim and Dr. Aris Santoso from Japan and several other doctors. Furthermore Soekarno Mother Hospital began to accept patients for treatment of other diseases.

Cipto Hospital

Dr Ciptomangunkusumo history, is inseparable from the history of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, since the development of the two agencies are interdependent and complementary to each other.
In 1896, Dr. H. Roll appointed as leaders of medical education in Batavia (Jakarta), at that lab and the school doctor was still in Java on a single charge. 
Then in 1910, the medical school was changed to STOVIA Java, the forerunner of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. 
On 19 November 1919 established CBZ (Ziekenhuis Burgelijke Centrale) which is adjoined by STOVIA. Since then providing education and medical services increasingly developed and developing specialized medical care facilities for the public. 
Month in March 1942, when Indonesia occupied Japan, made CBZ college hospital (Ika Daigaku Byongin). 
In 1945, CBZ was renamed to â € œ Oemoem State Hospital (RSON), led by Prof. Dr.-Koesoema Asikin Widjaya and subsequently led by Prof.Tamija. 
RSON 1950 changed its name to the General Hospital Center (Dr). 
On August 17, 1964 date, Health Minister Prof. Dr. Satrio inaugurated the department became Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSTM), in line with the development of the new spelling of the Indonesian language, then changed to the RSCM. 
On June 13, 1994, according to SK Menkes 553/Menkes/SK/VI/1994 numbers, changed its name to the National department of Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo. 
Based on the PP number 116 of 2000, dated December 12, 2000, Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo the Company designated as a unit (Testament) Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. 
In subsequent developments, changed to the RSCM Perjan Public Service Board based PP.Nomor 23 years in 2005.

Harapan Bunda Hospital

LADY HOPE Hospital is a private hospital located in East Jakarta. LADY HOPE Hospital was established in 1984 as a maternity hospital and began operating as a public hospital in 1998.
Currently LADY OF HOPE Hospital has inpatient facilities with a capacity of 206 beds and has a complete variety of medical equipment and made it one referral hospital in Jakarta today.
With a waiting room and the spacious and comfortable 24-hour telephone service with call center facilities, LADY HOPE Hospital became one of the hospital in East Jakarta choice.
Public facilities including canteen, 24-hour pharmacy, bank, ATM Center, mini market, mosque, and the kitchen is overseen by an experienced nutrition specialists, and equipped with the purposes of the funeral home pemulasaran an important tool that makes LADY HOPE Hospital in accordance with the vision and mission.

Pantai Indah Kapuk Hospital

Hospital Pantai Indah Kapuk is 'friends who care about your health'. Supported by qualified experts and modern medical technology, we are always ready to serve you.
Working closely with specialists who have been known to society at large, modern and sophisticated equipment, computer systems integration, and the concept of different services with competitive price for its class hospital, Hospital Pantai Indah Kapok in turn is expected to be a hospital that becomes the people's choice .
Located on the North Coast of Jakarta, we offer beautiful scenery when you looked out the window so we hope you feel comfortable to seek treatment here.

MMC Hospital

Originally born as a "Medical Center" (Centre for Health Services) practice clinic with specialist doctors in Indonesia, namely in the first International Tourism Office Tower Annex Hotel Indonesia in Jakarta in 1976; Metropolitan Hospital Medical Centre (RS.MMC) and then built and official operation on August 22, 1987 in the golden triangle area of Kuningan South Jakar-ta.
Supported more than 130 specialists and sub specialists who han-dal and professionals in the field, as well as having some choice ru-ang VIP hospitalization ranging from Superior, Deluxe VIP, VIP, Class I, Class II and Class III; RS.MMC embracing nature of the acute and sub acute, specialist and sub specialist in the ministry.
Vision and Mission Match RS.MMC has proven with the professional services that respects the values of ethics into the medical profession, had received an award as Type B Non-Hospital Education and Certification of Able Best Fully Accredited Advanced to 16 services in the year 2007.

Medistra Hospital

Medistra Hospital is a private hospital located in South Jakarta.
As in general hospitals, hospitals Medistra also serve various forms of treatment such as inpatient, outpatient, general polyclinics, specialist outpatient clinic, and the investigation (radiology, endoscopy, laboratory, physiotherapy or medical examinations (medical check-ups).
In recent years, there are some cases that occurred in RS Medistra, for example, is the alleged malpractice. The alleged malpractice occurred in 2004, when it reported to the Hospital Medistra Polda Metro Jaya for alleged malpractice against his patients do, Lexyono Hamsalim. Still the same in the year, RS Medistra also was accused of wrong diagnoses of patients, Mutia Rahmani Amalia, one of the victims of the bombing at the Australian Embassy. Apart from the two cases above, the RS Medistra also faces a charge of malpractice, such as allegations of malpractice against Sukma Ayu, one Indonesian artist who had treated at the hospital in 2004.