Jumat, 30 April 2010

Hasan Sadikin Hospital

Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) is a hospital located in Bandung, precisely in the way Pasteur 38 Bandung number 40 161. This hospital is one of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the form service company. Previously the hospital was named RS Rancabadak. These names are still used by the people of Bandung and its logo still visible in the form of pictures rhino having a bath in the ranch (swamp in Sundanese). This hospital is now led by a major director Prof. Cissy Rachiana Sudjana Prawira-Kartasasmita, Sp.A. (K), Ph.D. 
Hasan Sadikin Hospital, built during the Dutch colonial rule since 1920 but only officially opened on October 15, 1923. Was known then is Algemeene Bandoengche Het Ziekenhuis, and later amended in 1927 becomes a town Ziekenhuis Juliana. That time the new hospital capacity 300 beds.
In the Japanese colonial era, this hospital changed its function into the Japanese Military Hospital with a Rigukun Byoin until independence in 1945. Although Indonesia has been independent at that time, RS was still dominated by the Netherlands, and till the year 1948 the function to the Netherlands Military Hospital. New in 1948, RS Rancabadak again used for public or belonged to Indonesia under the auspices Township Bandung. When the boss is still the Dutch, W.J. Van Thiel who served until 1949. After that, new people, led by Indonesia, namely dr. H.R. Paryono Suriodipuro, as the first director of Indonesia. 
In 1954, health ministers set a Hospital Provincial Hospital has become the status directly under the Ministry of Health. In 1956 established a Central General Hospital with 600 bed capacity of the patient. 
Name Hasan Sadikin, which came into use in 1967, comes from one of his former directors, namely Dr. Hasan Sadikin. When he was appointed a director, the health minister at that time asked him to rename the hospital lead. But the request did not get fulfilled because of the relatively young age he died on July 16, 1967 due to illness. To commemorate his services as a dedicated doctor who has participated and played an important role in the struggle for independence, the government on October 8, 1967 set a new name as the name of this hospital. So from then until now, the name of this hospital became Dr. Hasan Sadikin, abbreviated RSHS. Now at the age of 86, RSHS status has become a general hospital center (department) and has a stately building that was similar to the international standard hospitals abroad, and has become a regional referral hospital in West Java. This hospital is also the hospital where the practice for medical students at Padjadjaran University and several schools of nursing.

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