Jumat, 30 April 2010

Fatmawati Hospital

Fatmawati Hospital was originally named Soekarno Mother Hospital, located in the Village of West Cilandak, Cilandak District, the South Jakarta District, Province Special District Capital of Jakarta. Mother Hospital Sukarno built over an area of 44 hectares of land, originally planned to become a Lung Disease Sanatorium for children because it was its location outside Jakarta that fresh air.
Sukarno's Hospital was built by a foundation called "Yayasan Soekarno mother" who at the time of establishment headed by Mr Raden Pandji Soeroso, and built by PT Ujung Kulon by the Director Primarily Mr Soehanda.
Hospital building initially consisted of Mrs. Sukarno main building, hall, kitchen, sink nurses dormitory consisting of three flats, each flat consists of 20 housing units and one building for Teacher Education BKIA Midwife managed by the Department of Health. Until the year 1959 still has not changed the condition of the building, there are still many vacant land that has not been utilized.
Mother Hospital Soekarno Starting Steps
At the end of the year 1958 the Hospital was handed over to the Government in this regard the Ministry of Health of Indonesia which at that time occupied by Mr Prof. Dr. Satrio.
Health Minister Prof. Dr. Satrio bring several army personnel from the Army Institute (LAKAD) under the leadership of Col. Dr. Soejoto, who occupy housing units on the flat part III to maintain security at the hospital complex, then the forces of BKIAA Health Separtemen occupying a portion of the housing units in a flat II, and personnel from the General Hospital Center and the family of Army Hospital which occupies one flat unit II. For staff nurse's son and daughter came from Bandung, led by Zr. Suprapti and Mr. Suardi. As the responsible director of Soekarno Mother Hospital is Mr Col. Dr. Soejoto (deceased). In addition, nutrition experts brought in relatives of A. Soeparman, Assistant Pharmacist Siahaan Wesley brothers, and sister M. X-ray expert Tarigan.
After the walk came Hospital began its medical staff from Surabaya, Tangerang, West Java and Solo. physiotherapy department is led Mother Wiroreno. In the operational personnel assisted the Hospital Administration from the RSCM, namely M. Soemarsono (late) and Zaenudin (late) with the Head of Administration Mr Major Soeharlan and AK Affandi as his deputy.
Mother Hospital Soekarno Started task
In early 1959, brought in some patients from start Army Hospital and from the RSCM. Patients were most patients with bone, because Mr Colonel Dr. Soejoto is an orthopedic surgeon. Some time later came Dr. Thayib from Yogyakarta and Dr Salim. Soenarno (late) who just came to study medicine in Germany. Hospital commenced its duties by addressing orthopedic surgery-so that Sukarno's Hospital Mother's Hospital known as MDs.
At the same time, from the American hospital ship named "HOPE" (Helath Opportunity for People Everywhere), which was anchored at the Tanjung Priok do-orthopedic surgery. Having completed his mission Hospital Ship "HOPE" was given all the goods from the ship to the Soekarno Mother Hospital, especially medical equipment and supplies, such as medication, patient clothing, blankets, tools instruments, medical books. Then the issue in the news that Mother Hospital Soekarno-rich modern medicines and vitamins are powerful. One among the drugs that originated from the Hospital ship "HOPE" that America is a capsule of "Gevral".
Several doctors later came from the U.S. orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lecoq and Dr. Jennings and two American nurses who were the pretty ones. They can work very well with Indonesian forces. At that time electricity saliran not yet entered into Soekarno Mother's Hospital, so the Diesel is used frequently damaged.
Apart from the American doctors had come also the doctors, namely Dr. R. Soehasim and Dr. Aris Santoso from Japan and several other doctors. Furthermore Soekarno Mother Hospital began to accept patients for treatment of other diseases.

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